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Featured Activity


Mexican Train Dominoes

Time:Fridays 10:00 am
Cost:None members
None non-members
Location:Game Room
Description: This month we'd like to shine the light no Mexican Train Dominoes. Mexican Train is a modern version of Dominoes, played with 91 double-twelve dominoes. Between four to eight players may participate, but if less than six people are playing, it is recommended that only the double blank through nine (or a set of Double 9 Dominoes) be used. A unique feature of Mexican Train is the little \"trains\" used for game markers. These may be any sort of marker (such as a bead, button, or coin), but the game\'s more fun if you use actual toy trains. The object of the game is to discard all your dominoes. You discard onto your own train, onto the Mexican train, onto other trains at the station, or onto other players trains. Mexican Train is a fun variation of dominoes, and a great party game. Make sure to have enough dominoes and plenty of the little trains on hand! The train leaves the station on Fridays at 10:00 p.m.

Senior Bingo

Time:Mondays 1:00 pm
Cost:$6.00 Buy - In members
Location:Dining Room
Description:One of the largest, loudest, and some might say most fun programs at the Highland Senior Center is Bingo. Bingo is played every Monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. for area Seniors. A person may have a fun afternoon for only $6.00 for a pack and you can play all the regular games. The pay outs may reach up to over $25.00. Where else could a person have a whole afternoon of entertainment at such a bargain price! Bring a sack lunch and come early OR call ahead for our in-house lunches for only $3.00. All are invited to come and try any or all of these Bingo events. Anyone who has not tried playing Bingo at the Highland Senior Center is missing out on a lot of inexpensive fun, plus the opportunity to go home with more than you came in with. Give it a try!


Time:Thursdays 1:00 pm
Cost:$3 Buy-In members
Location:Exercise Room
Description: If you're ever here at the Center on a Thursday, don't be surprised if you here a bunch of noise coming from the Exercise Room. Especially if it's yelling, laughing, and bell ringing! It's all just a part of the social game of Bunco. Strictly speaking, bunco is a game of dice, played in rounds. Players take turns rolling the dice and trying to accumulate as many points as possible to win each round. The game is played at tables of four in competing teams of two. Players score points by rolling three dice and trying to match the number they're supposed to roll for that round. They get a point for each die that rolls the number, and if all three roll the number they score 21 points. They also score 5 points for rolling three of a kind of any other number. They get to keep rolling as long as they score one or more points with each roll. Once they fail to score they pass the dice to their left and the opposing team gets a chance to score. During each round the teams at the Head Table try to score 21 points. The first team to score 21 points wins the round and play stops. At all other tables play stops when the Head Table play stops and the team with the highest score at each lower table wins the round. At the end of the round players change seats, the winners at each of the lower tables move up a table, and the losers at the head table move to the lowest table. Players also switch partners at the end of the round, so you never play with the same partner twice in a row. During play, players track the number of rounds they win and lose as a team, and the number of Buncos scored individually, on their personal scorecard. At the end of the night wins/losses and Buncos are tallied. So if having fun sounds fun to you, join the bunco crew every Thursday in the Exercise Room from 1:00 to 3:00.


Time:Daily 8:00 am
Cost:1:00 per class members
same non-members
Location:Exercise Room
Description:Just like the lemurs in Madagascar the people in our aerobics class like to move it. The class is held Monday through Friday from 9 - 10 am in the exercise room. The class is taught by two instructors. Julia Ragan leads on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. Penny Holt takes the reigns on Mondays and Fridays. Both Julia and Penny were originally trained for Jazzercise and have adapted their exercies and classes for older adults. They teach on a circuit, starting out with a short warm up, then climbing or increasing the intensity for 35 minutes, before cooling down. They finish with chair aerobics focusing on arms, abs, and legs. In her Wednesday class, Julia tries to mix it up with different types of exercise such as Zumba or Bollyrobics (a mixture of Bollywood and aerobics). You can come to either or both instructors classes. Classes are only $1 per class and are open to all seniors. Just wear some comfortable clothes, and bring water and a sweat towel and get ready to move it.

Water Aerobics

Time:Daily 10:00 am
Cost:No Free members
Must be a member non-members
Location:Highland YMCA
Description:Join us Daily for Water Activities 10:00 - 10:30 Lap and Free Swim, 10:30 - 11:30 Water Aerobics Class 11:30 - 12:00 Lap and Free Swim You must be a current member of the senior center to have access to the pool. This time is for exercise NOT socialize. Please leave the pool time for those who wish to work out. You must call in the day prior to reserve a spot as the number we are allowed to have in the pool is still limited.


Time:Mondays 9:30 am
Cost:No Cost members
Description:Feeling Lucky? Come join us.


Time:Thursdays 1:00 p.m.
Cost:$4 members
$4 non-members
Location:Dining Room
Description: Since June of 2020 there have been dances here every Thursday from 1 – 3 p.m. Live entertainment is provided by Mark aka ' Roy Orbison'. What kind of dancing can you expect ? A bit of everything. From Line Dancing, to Swing, to Waltzes, to Tangos. Just not Ballet or Hula! Couples and singles are all welcome and the cost is only $4, which gets you entry as well as refreshments. So if you’re ready to get on your feet and get moving, come on down and join us.

Tai Chi

Time:Mondays 11:15 am
Cost:$4.00 members
$4.00 non-members
Location:Exercise Room
Description: Monday & Wednesday The Chinese characters for Tai Chi Chuan can be translated as the Supreme Ultimate Force. The notion of supreme ultimate is often associated with the Chinese concept of yin-yang, the notion that one can see a dynamic duality (male/female, active/passive, dark/light, forceful/yielding, etc.) in all things. Force (or, more literally, fist) can be thought of here as the means or way of achieving this ying-yang, or supreme-ultimate discipline. Or it is possibly from it's origins as a martial art and self-defense technique. Tai Chi as it is more commonly referred to, is practiced in the west today as a moving form of yoga and meditation combined. There are a number of so-called forms (sometimes also called sets) which consist of a sequence of movements. Many of these movements are originally derived from the martial arts and perhaps even more ancestrally than that, from the natural movements of animals and birds. Legend has it that a Taoist monk, first developed a set of 13 exercises that imitate the movements of animals. Some of the movements are even called the Monkey Pick and Horses Mane. It is an exercise almost anyone who can walk can do safely. Tai chi takes the joints gently through their range of motion, while the emphasis on breathing and inner stillness relieves stress and anxiety. Your instructor is Katsuko aka Kats Shiomi and classes held on Mondays and Wednesday from 11:15 am - 12 noon, and the cost is only $3.00 per class. Students should wear comfortable clothing and come ready to find their inner peace.

Wii Bowling League

Time:Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cost:$10.00 per season members
$10.00 per season non-members
Description: Instead of wooden lanes and pins, Wii Bowlers hit the virtual lanes using Nintendos' Wii game system. Wii bowling tends to start out easy, building confidence, while you get use to bowling with a hand held remote. However, the better you bowl, the harder it can become. You can put too much spin and throw a gutter ball. You can even release it behind your and watch the audience scatter. Those who have trouble picking up a bowling ball will have no trouble lifting the remote control, which is a small plastic rectangular stick weighing only a few ounces. Play is done on our three big screen TVs. They are brand new 55" HD TVs donated by our Wii Bowlers. If you want you can sign up to be a substitute to get your feet wet, or bring in a team. If you don't have other players we will try our best to put you onto an existing team. No matter which way you go, you'll still have lots of fun in our Wii Bowling League. Sessions are only six weeks long. Next league registration takes place at 1:30 pm on September 14th, with bowling starting on September 21st.


Time:Daily 6:30 a.m.
Cost:Free members
Free non-members
Location:Meet in Dining Room
Description: This month we'd like to put the spotlite on a group that already shines. 'Striders' is a walking club filled with members who believe that both exercise and social activities are important to a Seniors' physical and emotional health. The Striders want to stay fit, but enjoy doing this at their own pace while enjoying the company of others. Striders walk from 1/2 mile to 2 miles at a time. They walk on the paths around the Patton State Hospital grounds varying according to individual members. The group is open to anyone interested in 'walking for health.' They meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7:00 a.m. at the Highland Senior Center. This time was chosen to avoid smog and the heat. Anyone wishing to join this active group or just interested in more information may come to the dining room of the Highland Senior Center before 6:30 a.m. any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday morning. So put your best foot forward and come on out.

Line Dancing

Time:Thursdays 11:00 AM
Cost:Donation suggested members
Donation suggested non-members
Location:Exercise Room
Description:Come join Glenda for some great instruction ! A donation is suggested.

Cross Training Equipment

Cost: members
Location:Execise Room
Description:Our members will appreciate this: New exercise equipment! A long while back we tried to take a survey of those who use the exercise room, assessing what types of equipment they would like us to get. No surveys were turned in, although thoughts were scribbled on the poster announcing the survey. Still, not to be deterred, we were able to purchase some 'Life Fitness' equipment. We now have a new treadmill, an elliptical cross trainer, and a recumbent bike, replacing much older equipment. We hope to eventually replace all of our old equipment, getting several exercise circuits in place. Check your newsletter to see when the equipment is available for use and be prepared to break a sweat.


Time:Wednesdays 10:00 AM
Cost:$4.00 members
$4.00 non-members
Location:exercise room
Description:'Gentle' yoga classes are held on Wednesday at 10:00 AM. Folks must like our new instructor since classes continue to grow each week......

Chair yoga

Time:Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:00 am
Cost:$3.00 members
$3.00 non-members
Location:exercise room
Description:Get Arthritis Relief at the Highland Senior Center. The Program is geared toward gentle range-of-motion exercises with additional activities designed to help those with arthritis.

Yarn Crafts

Time:Fridays 10am - 12pm
Cost:Free members
Free non-members
Description:Yes, it’s true! The Knitting Group is no more! However, have no fear. It is now known as the Yarn Crafts group. However, it’s not just yarn. Now it will include crochet, needle works, embroidery, and yes, knitting. The group is still headed by Keiko Holcombe, but the others in the group will be on hand to lend their individual knowledge and skills where needed. The students will continue to work on individual projects. The class is small, with about 12-15 students, so 1 on 1 time is guaranteed. If any of these sounds like something you might be interested in, the group meets on Fridays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Hand and Foot

Time:Wednesdays 10:00 am
Cost:Free members
Free non-members
Location:Game Room
Description:You might think it’s related to Twister but it’s not. It’s actually a card game, related to Canasta. Hand and Foot is a North American game variation where each player is dealt two sets of cards using one as the “hand” and one as the “foot. There are numerous variations of the game and no “standard” rules. You can either play as individuals or as teams. The most common version of the game is played with four players in partnerships; it can also be played by six people in two teams of three or by any number of individuals. The following rules are for our “favorite” way to play with four people, two teams of two. To play you’ll need four to six full decks of 52 cards, including the jokers – Rules vary from one to two decks per player, or one more than the number of players). The aim is to get rid of cards from your hand (11 cards), and then from your foot (11 cards), by melding them. A meld is a set of three to seven cards of equal rank placed face up on the table. The play ends when one of the partners “goes out”. It’s a very popular game here at the center and the group is always looking for new players and are eager to teach people how to play. If you like Hand and Foot, Canasta, or card games in general and you think you might be interested in play, the group meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Parlor Room.

Nutrition Program

Time:Daily 11:30 AM
Cost:$3.00 members
$5.00 non-members
Location:Dining Room
Description:Lunch is served Monday through Friday at 11:30 AM. You may walk-in for lunch but we would suggest you call the day before to reserve a meal.....just in case we're SOLD OUT.

Table Shuffleboard - ON HIATUS

Time:Fridays 1:00 pm
Cost:FREE members
FREE non-members
Description:In table shuffleboard, the play area is a 22' laminated surface covered with silicone beads (colloquially called 'shuffleboard wax') to reduce friction. Players try to slide metal-and-plastic pucks, sometimes called weights or shuckles, to come to rest within zones at the other end of the board. Cues are not used, the pucks being propelled with the hands directly on the raised table. There are scoring zones at each end of the table so that direction of play can rotate after each frame, or so that teams can play both directions during one frame. More points are awarded for weights scoring closer to the far edge of the board. Players take turns sliding the pucks, trying to score points, bump opposing pucks off the board, and/or protect their own pucks from bump-offs. The long sides of the table are bounded by gutters into which pucks can fall or be knocked (in which case they are no longer in play for the remainder of the frame). A variant known sometimes as bankboard has rubber cushions or 'banks' running the length of both sides of the table, instead of gutters, and as in billiards, the banks can be used to gain favorable position. Come join our shuffleboard bunch and have-a-go at it.


Time:Fridays 11:15 a.m.
Cost:$4.00 per class members
$4.00 per class non-members
Location:Exercise Room
Description: We’d like to welcome back Zumba. Zumba is a mix of low-intensity and high-intensity set to interval-style, calorie-burning Latin and World dance moves. For those who see the words "high-intensity." Fear not. The class, like all of our exercise classes, is designed with seniors in mind. This class will be tailored towards active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves at a lower-intensity. The instructor is Carole Fiedler, a certified Zumba instructor, who says the class will consist of toning and stretching before moving on to the dance moves. She has been taking Zumba for six years, has been a licensed Zumba instructor for over five years, and certified for Zumba Gold for one year. Class will still be on Fridays, but the time has changed to 9:00am. Classes are only $2, and be sure to bring some water, a towel, and wear comfortable clothing and good shoes.

Bridge Interest List

Cost: members
Description:We are hoping to bring back an activity that has not been here for many years. One of our newest members is hoping to bring back Bridge to the center. Bridge is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52-card deck. In its basic format, it is played by four players in two competing partnerships. According to Wikipedia, “the game consists of several deals, each progressing through four phases. The cards are dealt to the players, and then the players auction or bid to take the contract, specifying how many tricks the partnership receiving the contract (the declaring side) needs to take to receive points for the deal. During the auction, partners communicate information about their hand, including its overall strength and the length of its suits, although conventions for use during play also exist. The cards are then played, the declaring side trying to fulfill the contract, and the defenders trying to stop the declaring side from achieving its goal. The deal is scored based on the number of tricks taken, the contract, and various other factors which depend to some extent on the variation of the game being played.” If this scares or confuses you don’t let it. It is very popular worldwide, and the group would be willing to take in all levels of players, from beginners to intermediate. Advance players are welcome as well, as long as they are willing to help the more inexperienced players. So if this sounds like something you would be interested in please stop by the front desk or call us at (909)862-8104 and add your name and phone number to the interest list. If we have enough interest you will be called back with a time and date and start building bridges.


Time:Tuesdays 8:30 - 10:00 am
Cost: members
Location:Sun Room
Description:For anyone who has tried to lose weight, you know how hard it can be. Well you don’t have to do it alone. T.O.P.S. or Taking Off Pounds Sensibly is a group dedicated to helping others shedding some pounds. TOPS is a national organization with regional groups that meet. TOPS does not sell food or have one stop meal plans. They help you reach your weight-loss goals by focusing on health and providing you with the tools, information, support, and accountability for YOU to lose the weight. TOPS can't do the work for you. You only get out of TOPS what you put into it. At the meetings there are private weigh-ins before they start, then members share challenges, successors, or goals. This is followed by a brief program as well as awards to the best losers (that’s a good thing), contest winners, and members who’ve reached their goal. Our group meets here at the Center every Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. Everyone who wants to take off or keep off pounds is welcome. Come visit and find out what they are all about. Their motto is “As intelligent persons we will control our emotions and not let our emotions control us.” Of course this carries over to our eating habits. They hope to see you there. And less of you every time thereafter!

Cardio Drumming

Time:Wednesdays 8:15 - 9:00 am
Cost:Donation members
Donation non-members
Description:Does your favorite Christmas song include the line “Pa rum pum pum pum”? Do you just “want to bang on the drum all day”? Or do you just like to drum your fingers on the table? If so we might just have the perfect exercise class for you. Starting on March 3rd, we will be hosting Cardio Drumming, also known as Drums Alive, Exercise Drumming, DrumFit, Pound, and Fit Ball. Cardio Drumming is a type of workout that mixes a variety of standard cardio exercises with a fun and exciting drumming routine. It gets your body pumping out blood to your muscles and increases oxygen retention in your cardiovascular system which results in better overall health, can stave off depression and even has been shown to help clear your body of carbon dioxide and various other waste. Most importantly, cardio drumming is good for your heart and lungs. The instructor will be Julia Ragan We will provide the ball holder and drum sticks, you provide the ball and the energy to march to the beat of your own drum. Well sit actually. We will have some balls on hand but those are limited. The class is free, but donations for Julia are gladly accepted, and takes place on Wednesdays from 8:15 – 9:00 am, and starts with some stretching. After that it’s Buddy Rich time! Or for you younger folk, Ringo Starr.


Time:Wednesdays 10:00 am
Cost:FREE members
FREE non-members
Location:Dining Room
Description:One of our members, Michael Haynes, has offered to teach and organize players for the game of Othello. This is a game you will flip out over! A two player game, the strategy is to trap and capture your opponent’s pieces by placing your disks on the board. Player start with four, and add one each turn. Every time you "sandwich" one or more of your opponent's pieces you flip those disks to your color, but your opponent will try and do the same to you. Winning means having more pieces on the board than their opponent. The game is considered finished when there are no spaces left on the board or there are no more possible legal moves for either player. If you know the Othello game OR want to learn it check it out. Michael will provide all the things you need to play.

Tap dancing

Time:Tuesdays 12:30
Cost:donation please members
Location:Exercise Room
Description:Another of Glendas' great instructional classes. Donation please.


Time:Fridays 12:00 noon
Cost: members
Description:Join our NEW mahjong group of players......