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PLEASE USE OUR HAND SANITIZER STATION. Help avoid Community Spread of communicable diseases at the HSC by; 1. sanitizing your hands often 2. Sneeze into your elbow or a tissue 3. Avoid touching your eyes and nose 4. STAY HOME if you're coughing or have other symptoms

The Highland Senior Center is STILL doing food distribution on Monday & Friday. You MUST call the morning ‘of’ @ 8:00 AM and we’ll provide food donations beginning at 9:30 AM. Members have priority. Call 862-8104 to sign-up.

Aerobics is back !! Join Julia OR Penny and our Friends in the exercise room EVERY day for Senior aerobics. 9:00 AM on Monday & Friday AND 8:15 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Get moving !!

BINGO every Monday starting at 1:00 PM SHARP ! Space is limited. Doors open at 12:15 and it's 'first come - first served.' Big cash payouts .........Come on down !

Come try our 'Drum-ba' class which takes place each Wednesday at 8:15 AM. $1.00 cost to our instructor, Julia, includes all necessary equipment. It's FUN and a huge hit.....come check it out.

THANKS to ALL our generous donors. Whether it's an ASC donation, a Wish List item or just a few bucks you felt the need to bless us with we are, and will remain, grateful for whatever you can give.....it's YOU who help keep this place going. THANKS !

Our Thrift Store is open from 9 AM to 12 noon on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Plenty of gently used stuff so come on in and browse around.

Bus passes will be distributed on Tuesday, March 18th between 10 am & 11 am to those 60 years or older WITH A VALID ID.

We wanna give a Great BIG Thanks to all of our Members who observe and practice compliance with our Code of Conduct. You make it a pleasure to serve you. The irony is that those who are pleasant around here seldom stand-out or come to our attention so THANKS is in-order......our Staff appreciates you.

COME JOIN US FOR LUNCH. You may call ahead to reserve a lunch (which we'd suggest) OR just come-in and munch. Lunch is served Monday - Friday from 11:30 to 12 noon and a mostly accurate menu is on this website. $3.00 donation is Welcomed and appreciated !

University class registration has passed but you can still join the class of your choice. Call Amy, 862-8104, to let her know you need to register....she'll tell you how to join a class.

Our $20. annual membership includes a monthly newsletter detailing ALL our activities. Come to The Center to join TODAY.