Volunteer of the Month
No volunteer selected this month
Featured Class
Spanish - Beginning
Date: January 21, 2025
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Length: 8 weeks
Cost: $8 members
$8 non-members
Instructor: Ernesto Almada
Location: Game Room
Description: ¿Habla usted Español? If not you can learn by taking our Spanish class. Spanish is both a vulgar yet romantic language! The history of the Spanish language in Spain and the origin of the dialects of Spain begin with the linguistic evolution of Vulgar Latin. From those humble beginnings, it has evolved into the most widely spoken Romance language, both in terms of number of speakers and the number of countries in which it is the dominant language with over 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide. Ernesto will focus on conversational Spanish.
Featured Activity
Mexican Train Dominoes
Time: Fridays 10:00 am
Cost: None members
None non-members
Location: Game Room
Description: This month we'd like to shine the light no Mexican Train Dominoes. Mexican Train is a modern version of Dominoes, played with 91 double-twelve dominoes. Between four to eight players may participate, but if less than six people are playing, it is recommended that only the double blank through nine (or a set of Double 9 Dominoes) be used. A unique feature of Mexican Train is the little \"trains\" used for game markers. These may be any sort of marker (such as a bead, button, or coin), but the game\'s more fun if you use actual toy trains. The object of the game is to discard all your dominoes. You discard onto your own train, onto the Mexican train, onto other trains at the station, or onto other players trains. Mexican Train is a fun variation of dominoes, and a great party game. Make sure to have enough dominoes and plenty of the little trains on hand! The train leaves the station on Fridays at 10:00 p.m.
Staff Info
Board of Directors
Linda Sowell-Mollenkopf,
- President
Diane Harvey, Past President
Stan Logan, Vice President
Jeffrey Graden, Treasurer
Virginia Kautzman, Secretary
Don Clay, Director
Rosetta Love, Director
Audrey Martinez, Director
Mary Perdue, Director
Penny Lilburn
- Executive Director
Jeff Novak
- Outreach / TAP Coordinator
Bonnie Mitchell
- newsletter
Amy Poppett
- Receptionist
Larry Tow
- Custodian
Upcoming Events Archive
MARCH MADNESS Bingo every Monday.
March 3, 2025 1:00 pm
MARCH MADNESS BINGO ! BIGGER Prizes, raffles, refreshments, BIG CASH payouts.........1st ball drops at 1:00 PM. SPACE IS LIMITED so get here early. Doors open at 12:15. You DON'T want to miss it. Info at 862-8104.
Water Aerobics EVERY WEEKDAY
March 3, 2025 10:00
Water aerobics is happening Monday through Friday. Limited space and showing your membership card IS required.
LIVE band every Thursday
March 6, 2025 1:00 pm
Come join the crowd !
Spring Tea & Bunco
April 12, 2025 11:00 to 2:00 PM
Tickets are $10.00 and we only have a limited number of them. Tea, lunch, goodies and Bunco. Open to the public but you must buy your tickets in advance at The HSC.
Chili Cook-Off
March 14, 2025 12 noon
Peoples Choice & Judges Choice awards. Enjoy the chili, cornbread and all the fixins' for $3.00. Call 862-8104 if questions. ENROLL YOUR SECRET RECIPE IN OUR CONTEST TODAY.