Volunteer of the Month
No volunteer selected this month
Featured Class
Writing for Fun
Date: September 5, 2024
Time: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Length: 8 Weeks
Cost: $8.00 members
$8.00 non-members
Instructor: Student Led
Location: one of our rooms
Description: Don’t be ‘a writer’. Be writing. - William Faulkner The Creative Writing, or Writing for Fun class, is our only student led classes. The class brings in assigned projects and presents them to the class. The class then gives helpful feedback and discussion. Styles of writing varies from class to class, such as a memoir, humor, essays, poetry, etc. You will write about what you know, but if the assignment doesn’t please you. Write something else.
Featured Activity
Yarn Crafts
Time: Fridays 10am - 12pm
Cost: Free members
Free non-members
Location: Parlor
Description: Yes, it’s true! The Knitting Group is no more! However, have no fear. It is now known as the Yarn Crafts group. However, it’s not just yarn. Now it will include crochet, needle works, embroidery, and yes, knitting. The group is still headed by Keiko Holcombe, but the others in the group will be on hand to lend their individual knowledge and skills where needed. The students will continue to work on individual projects. The class is small, with about 12-15 students, so 1 on 1 time is guaranteed. If any of these sounds like something you might be interested in, the group meets on Fridays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Karaoke Party
By: Mike Sylva
If you used to “Sing Along with Mitch” then you did karaoke, before karaoke was cool! Well since we at the Highland Senior Center are always cool, we decided to host a Karaoke Party. It is basically a singing to the music of your favorite songs. If you don’t know the words, no worries. There is a screen, where the words appear, and are highlighted as they are to be sung.
We tried it out last month with a few brave souls. Our very own Penny, Martha, and Timi sang out loud, to which others decided “if they can do it, so can I”, and belted out tunes of their own. Light refreshments were served and were paid back in lots of laughs and good times.
Thanks to Skip for running the event, and to Anthem Blue Cross for sponsoring the fun.
The next Karaoke Party will take place on Tuesday, March 15, and the 3rd Tuesday of every month thereafter. We look forward to having you join us.