Operation Senior Claus 2015
By: Mike Sylva
With temps hitting over the century mark, we long for cooler weather. To help us keep our thoughts cool, we are in the planning stages of our annual Operation Senior Claus. Every year we help the man with the bag by providing for seniors for Christmas Day who are alone, or in need of some kindness.By: Mike Sylva
Last year the center provided over 125 seniors with a piping hot, home-cooked dinner, a basket full of food, as well as non-perishable items. Each senior also got a gift card for Stater Bros. For us to be successful again this year, we need your help in several ways.
We will be looking for: volunteers to deliver the dinners to needy seniors in the area, non-perishable food items, cash donations to buy food, gift cards to Stater Bros. In $10 increments, or items that can be put into their baskets. The amounts don’t have to be large to make a big impact on a family. Please think about giving only a few hours of your time, or donating items to make someone’s day. For more details, call the center at 862-8104.