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If you looked out at the parking lot, you might have thought all heck was busting loose at the center, what with firetrucks and cop car parked out front. However, it wasn’t a bad thing. They came to the center to participate in a very special Wii Bowling match.

The firemen and police officers played against our Wii Bowling Leagues Top Team. Fire consisted of C. Valenzuela, G. Mowat, R. Acevedo, and John Hagen (a former deputy who subbed for them). The Cops consisted of R. Collins, E. Ogaz, M. Maker, and E. Popa. Now the fact that the seniors bowl every week, year round, while the firemen and cops haven’t Wii Bowled in years didn’t discourage our safety personnel. And while the scores may not reflect it, they actually did well. Final scores were: Seniors 1747, Cops 1196, and Fire 1173. We hope to make this an annual classic. Who knows how it will turn out next year with a year to practice.