Volunteer of the Month
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Featured Class
Navigating the Next Chapter - Making the Most of Life
Date: January 21, 2025
Time: 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Length: 6 Weeks
Cost: $8.00 members
$8.00 non-members
Instructor: Janet Egan
Location: in a room
Description: Navigating the Next Chapter: Making the Most of Life focuses on how to adjust to retirement. Specifically, how to live your best life at this time. If you plan on aging then plan on taking this class. For this session, the class is divided into: Getting to Know Each Other, Finding Fun/Leisure, Life Balance, Working Life, Changes, Giving and Receiving, Resource Day, ad Summary and Action Plan. Each session may change depending on the needs of the students. The class is taught by Janet Egan, a retired San Bernardino County Social Worker. This class is second nature to her as she had a career of doing trainings.
Featured Activity
Nutrition Program
Time: Dailys 11:30 AM
Cost: $3.00 members
$5.00 non-members
Location: Dining Room
Description: Lunch is served Monday through Friday at 11:30 AM. You may walk-in for lunch but we would suggest you call the day before to reserve a meal.....just in case we're SOLD OUT.