Volunteer of the Month
No volunteer selected this month
Featured Class
Winter Class Registration
Date: January 15, 2025
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am
Cost: $8.00 per class members
Location: Game Room
Description: Register on Wednesday, January 15th for classes that begin on Monday, January 27th. Various 8 week classes for a paltry sum of $8.00 per subject. Womens' Bible Study, Sketching, Writing for Fun, Navigating the Next Chapter, Spanish-beginning & advanced.
Featured Activity
Tai Chi
Time: Mondays 11:15 am
Cost: $4.00 members
$4.00 non-members
Location: Exercise Room
Description: Monday & Wednesday The Chinese characters for Tai Chi Chuan can be translated as the Supreme Ultimate Force. The notion of supreme ultimate is often associated with the Chinese concept of yin-yang, the notion that one can see a dynamic duality (male/female, active/passive, dark/light, forceful/yielding, etc.) in all things. Force (or, more literally, fist) can be thought of here as the means or way of achieving this ying-yang, or supreme-ultimate discipline. Or it is possibly from it's origins as a martial art and self-defense technique. Tai Chi as it is more commonly referred to, is practiced in the west today as a moving form of yoga and meditation combined. There are a number of so-called forms (sometimes also called sets) which consist of a sequence of movements. Many of these movements are originally derived from the martial arts and perhaps even more ancestrally than that, from the natural movements of animals and birds. Legend has it that a Taoist monk, first developed a set of 13 exercises that imitate the movements of animals. Some of the movements are even called the Monkey Pick and Horses Mane. It is an exercise almost anyone who can walk can do safely. Tai chi takes the joints gently through their range of motion, while the emphasis on breathing and inner stillness relieves stress and anxiety. Your instructor is Katsuko aka Kats Shiomi and classes held on Mondays and Wednesday from 11:15 am - 12 noon, and the cost is only $3.00 per class. Students should wear comfortable clothing and come ready to find their inner peace.
Mission Statement
To enrich, maintain, and protect the quality of life of Senior Adults...
Our $20. annual membership includes a monthly newsletter detailing ALL our activities. Come to The Center to join TODAY.
University class registration has passed but you can still join the class of your choice. Call Amy, 862-8104, to let her know you need to register....she'll tell you how to join a class.
COME JOIN US FOR LUNCH. You may call ahead to reserve a lunch (which we'd suggest) OR just come-in and munch. Lunch is served Monday - Friday from 11:30 to 12 noon and a mostly accurate menu is on this website. $3.00 donation is Welcomed and appreciated !
Upcoming Events
March 14, 2025 12 noon - Chili Cook-Off
Peoples Choice & Judges Choice awards. Enjoy the chili, cornbread and all the fixins' for $3.00. Call 862-8104 if questions. ENROLL YOUR SECRET RECIPE IN OUR CONTEST TODAY.
April 12, 2025 11:00 to 2:00 PM - Spring Tea & Bunco
Tickets are $10.00 and we only have a limited number of them. Tea, lunch, goodies and Bunco. Open to the public but you must buy your tickets in advance at The HSC.
March 6, 2025 1:00 pm - LIVE band every Thursday
Come join the crowd !
Thanks to our Give Big Donors
By: Mike Sylva
We would like to thank the following for donating to the Highland Senior Center in November’s San Bernardino Give Big Campaign.
Alaina Mathews $4000
Carolyn Michaelis $100
Wilfrid Lemann $25
Without generous donors such as these we would not be able to continue to provide programs and activities to our seniors.