Volunteer of the Month
No volunteer selected this month
Featured Class
Writing for Fun
Date: January 23, 2025
Time: 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Length: 8 Weeks
Cost: $8.00 members
$8.00 non-members
Instructor: Student Led
Location: one of our rooms
Description: Don’t be ‘a writer’. Be writing. - William Faulkner The Creative Writing, or Writing for Fun class, is our only student led classes. The class brings in assigned projects and presents them to the class. The class then gives helpful feedback and discussion. Styles of writing varies from class to class, such as a memoir, humor, essays, poetry, etc. You will write about what you know, but if the assignment doesn’t please you. Write something else.
Featured Activity
Senior Bingo
Time: Mondays 1:00 pm
Cost: $6.00 Buy - In members
Location: Dining Room
Description: One of the largest, loudest, and some might say most fun programs at the Highland Senior Center is Bingo. Bingo is played every Monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. for area Seniors. A person may have a fun afternoon for only $6.00 for a pack and you can play all the regular games. The pay outs may reach up to over $25.00. Where else could a person have a whole afternoon of entertainment at such a bargain price! Bring a sack lunch and come early OR call ahead for our in-house lunches for only $3.00. All are invited to come and try any or all of these Bingo events. Anyone who has not tried playing Bingo at the Highland Senior Center is missing out on a lot of inexpensive fun, plus the opportunity to go home with more than you came in with. Give it a try!
Mission Statement
To enrich, maintain, and protect the quality of life of Senior Adults...
Our $20. annual membership includes a monthly newsletter detailing ALL our activities. Come to The Center to join TODAY.
University class registration has passed but you can still join the class of your choice. Call Amy, 862-8104, to let her know you need to register....she'll tell you how to join a class.
COME JOIN US FOR LUNCH. You may call ahead to reserve a lunch (which we'd suggest) OR just come-in and munch. Lunch is served Monday - Friday from 11:30 to 12 noon and a mostly accurate menu is on this website. $3.00 donation is Welcomed and appreciated !
Upcoming Events
March 14, 2025 12 noon - Chili Cook-Off
Peoples Choice & Judges Choice awards. Enjoy the chili, cornbread and all the fixins' for $3.00. Call 862-8104 if questions. ENROLL YOUR SECRET RECIPE IN OUR CONTEST TODAY.
April 12, 2025 11:00 to 2:00 PM - Spring Tea & Bunco
Tickets are $10.00 and we only have a limited number of them. Tea, lunch, goodies and Bunco. Open to the public but you must buy your tickets in advance at The HSC.
March 6, 2025 1:00 pm - LIVE band every Thursday
Come join the crowd !
Thanks to our Give Big Donors
By: Mike Sylva
We would like to thank the following for donating to the Highland Senior Center in November’s San Bernardino Give Big Campaign.
Alaina Mathews $4000
Carolyn Michaelis $100
Wilfrid Lemann $25
Without generous donors such as these we would not be able to continue to provide programs and activities to our seniors.